Reaching Out When You Need Help

Reaching out when you need help is probably one of the biggest struggles that you deal with as someone who struggles from mental illness. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do when you feel like you are at one of the lowest points in your life. By asking for help, it gives someone who cares about you the opportunity to help and get you back on track. Take a look at how to make it easier to ask for help when you feel like you need it the most.

One of the most important things you can do is tell a loved one that you don’t feel right. By opening that communication, it allows your loved one to know to keep an eye on you. They can invite your out to lunch, or to play a game- something that will keep you busy and distract you from whatever is going on.

Now, if it’s something much deeper, it never hurts to call the SAMHSA line and talk it out. They can help you find resources in your area to further help you get back on track. It’s important to be consistent with mental health!

If you know you struggle with mental illness, you know that consistency is key. You need a sort of order to keep things stable, and that’s okay. Consistency keeps us in order, and helps us know what we need.

It doesn’t have to a complete meltdown to ask for help, it can be that something just doesn’t feel right- tell someone. Someone that you trust. Someone that will listen.

If you feel like you don’t have someone to talk to, check out our virtual support group! You don’t have to talk, but you are more than welcome to share! I’m here to help everyone.

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